An Alternate Campaign Setting for Snap Ships Tactics

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Rogue A.C.E.S introduces some new components that will need to be printed before the game can be played. Files found on this page may be reproduced for personal use only.

Character Sheet

Each player should have their own character sheet to help keep track of their stats, upgrades, and overall progress. It is highly recommended that data be recorded in pencil, as these fields may change frequently.

Character Sheet Breakdown

1) Name and Callsign – Identifies the player and their character.
2) Buyout Price and Credit Balance – How much money the player still has to pay in order to buy out their penal contract, and how much money they have available to spend.
3) Kills and Spared – The total number of enemies killed over the player's career (mostly for bragging rights), and the number of fleeing enemies spared (if playing with the optional Enemy Resolve mechanic).

4) Ship and Tiers Unlocked – The player's current ship, and their progress towards unlocking the next tier of ship. (Mark off one segment of the corresponding bar for every kill made using that tier of ship. Once the entire bar has been filled, the next tier of ship is unlocked.)
5) Weapons and Ammo – A list of all the weapons the player has unlocked, and whether or not ammunition has been purchased for it.
6) Upgrades – A list of all the upgrades the player has unlocked.

Quick Reference Sheet

A short summary of the additional rules and formulas used to calculate costs and rewards.

Quick Reference Sheet

Round Tracker Wheel

Some missions in the campaigns are time sensitive. Use this wheel to keep track of how many rounds have passed.

Round Tracker Wheel

Enemy Resolve Tokens

If playing with the optional Enemy Resolve mechanic, use these tokens to keep track of each enemy pilot's level of Resolve.

Enemy Resolve Tokens

Custom Terrain Tiles

The Skies of Vrukar

These terrain tiles are intended for use with the Skies of Vrukar campaign.

Storm Cloud Tiles Jet Stream Tiles

Pirates of the Hydaeleon Rift

These terrain tiles are intended for use with the Pirates of the Hydaeleon Rift campaign.

Enemy Facility Tile Volatile Gas Pocket Tile

Standalone Contracts

These tokens are intended for use with missions found under Standalone Contracts.

Freighter Token Escort Token

setting/downloads.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/05 05:40 by mc_tammer