An Alternate Campaign Setting for Snap Ships Tactics

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Anvil Squadron

Anvil Squadron Unit Insignia Anvil Squadron's unit insignia.

Anvil Squadron is a penal paramilitary unit run by the Allegiant Combat Enterprises corporation, providing freelance tactical air support for paying customers. Its members are conscripted from military convicts, namely those with prior experience in combat aviation. The squadron is often tasked with high-risk assignments that are expected to result in an unacceptable amount of casualties to military personnel, or plausibly-deniable missions that might garner political backlash if undertaken by legitimate military forces.


Allegiant holds contracts with various governments to provide secure incarceration facilities, as well as management and operation services thereof. In a move designed to wring extra profit out of what would otherwise be dead weight, the company decided to take the prisoners who had military experience and turn them into units that could be hired out to anyone in need of such expertise. They began by forming infantry units, and when those proved to be successful, decided to try applying the concept to combat aviation.

Anvil Squadron is the first of these private-sector penal combat aviation units, so named because the founders expected the convicts to be hammered into shape by way of selfless service. If successful, it may herald the formation of more such units in the future.

Unit Insignia

Anvil Squadron's unit insignia was designed by one of the squadron's original (now deceased) members, and features an anvil above a winged variation of Allegiant Combat Enterprises' logo. The squadron's motto is “incus malleum non timet” (Latin, 'The anvil fears not the hammer'). While the company may have expected the convicts to be hammered into shape, they perhaps did not realize that in the end, the anvil always breaks the hammer.

database/anvilsquadron.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/05 05:21 by mc_tammer